

Day 188 – The sun is setting over the capital building in Madison, Wisconsin. If you are brave enough to walk up the narrow spiral staircase at the top of the dome, there is a wonderful view of the city up there.


Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Day 128 – Warm spring wind gusts took our kite pretty high up. It took a wild ride up there until it crashed into the lilac bush.


Face in the Cloud

Face in the Cloud

Day 124 – I was sitting on the front porch when I looked up and saw this cloud formation. It reminded me of a face in profile. I love when the rays of the sun shine like that.


Brilliant Icicles

Brilliant Icicles

Day 103 – A quick walk out on the deck this morning revealed these beauties glistening in the morning light.


Stained Glass

Stained Glass
Stained Glass

Day 56 – I finally captured the sun reflecting through the stained glass window in our kitchen.


Prairie Grass

Prairie Grass
Prairie Grass

Day 41 – I love these tall grasses that grow near our house. And the blue sky was a special treat this afternoon after such a dreary morning.