Thrill Rides

Thrill Rides

Day 260 – We spent the day at Great America. Watching my guys ride those roller coasters made me think about all the thrilling rides life has for us. Some times you get to strap in and fly through the air. Sometimes a parachute opens up and you have a soft landing. Other times, life is just a crazy series of ups and downs and your only safety gear is a light heart and a good sense of humor.




Day 259 – We got quite a storm today. It knocked out the power at our local theater right in the middle of a good movie.  But we need the rain, so that’s okay.


Beauty Is Everywhere

Beauty Is Everywhere

Day 249 – There is so much to be thankful for in this life. I love to fall asleep thinking about all the wonderful beauty all around me.




Day 248 – Can you guess what this is? I am sure you can.


Tick, Tick, Tick…

Tick, Tick, Tick…

Day 247 – Time is not constant. Some moments seem to fly by while at other times the seconds tick away slowly and hours pass like centuries.


Lucky Enough

Lucky Enough

Day 241 – If you’re lucky enough to be at the beach you’re lucky enough.




Day 239 – What kind of music bring heaven a little closer to you? For me, it was some old Cure songs playing in the car while we drove home tonight.