

Day 144 – One of my favorite Johnny Cash songs – “I’ve Been Everywhere”


Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Day 139 – “O bed! O bed! delicious bed! That heaven upon earth to the weary head.” -Thomas Hood

*credit for this photo goes to my husband who so lovingly snapped this shot of me during my marathon 6 hour nap today.


Slide Show

Slide Show

Day 138 – Does anyone else remember Saturday night slide shows? The hum of the circular carrier and the smell of heat from the lamp, the occasional backwards or upside down slide, and of course, the endless viewing of unknown places and faces from your parents’ past.




Day 137 – “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau




Day 135 – I dream of distant shores where the world is new and nothing is so familiar as to be taken for granted.


Onda Blomma

Onda Blomma

Day 134 – I thought the underside of this lovely tulip looked like a monster face with a long nose, so I decided to have some fun with it. The title “Onda Blomma” is Swedish for “Evil Flower”.




Day 133 – I knew a woman who loved daffodils. She painted them on sheets of shale with delicate calligraphy.


Fading Away

Fading Away

Day 129 – I posted this print today on my Fine Art America site. I titled it, “Flowers for Thee”. Sometimes I have trouble finding just the right title for a photograph. What title would you give this piece?


Mr. Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln

Day 126 – We say “Good Morning” to Mr. Lincoln every day on our way to school.


Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

Day 121 – Pi written out to 100 places on our driveway. Yes, the neighbors do think I am weird. But who cares! It’s a gorgeous day and this is my favorite non-holiday holiday.