Shadow Puppet

Shadow Puppet

Day 279 – Michael made me laugh with some shadow puppets so I thought this would make a great photo for this evening. Little did I know how challenging it would be to set up the camera, hold the flash light, make a shadow puppet and take a picture all at the same time.




Day 278 – Don’t be afraid to show off your crazy, punk, wild side every once in a while.


Art or Hobby?

Art or Hobby?

Day 271 – What makes my photographs “art” or “hobby”? If I enjoy the process, is it a hobby? If I struggle, is it art? Am I the one who decides? Or is it the viewer?




Day 253 – I am not overly sentimental. I don’t save movie ticket stubs. I think Valentine’s Day is for suckers. I don’t really even have a favorite song. But a homemade card from my son – well, that just melts my heart.


Singing in the Rain

Singing in the Rain

Day 250 – “Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain” – Author Unknown




Day 239 – What kind of music bring heaven a little closer to you? For me, it was some old Cure songs playing in the car while we drove home tonight.


The Thinker

The Thinker

Day 227 – This isn’t quite the same as the Rodin sculpture. But I find the reclined position more appealing.


Flower Kaleidoscope

Flower Kaleidoscope

Day 184 – This photograph was taken at our local conservatory. They have a flower arrangement that spins. This is what you see when you look through the kaleidoscope.